Tuesday, August 01, 2006


I am one of those who celebrates his B'day twice a year. The first one comes on Nag -panchami. That's why there is a relation with my name. I was born on Nag panchami day. As we know Lunar calendar is not so straight forward stuff. Every year Nag panchami falls on different dates. This year it was on 30th July.

Morning itself I got lots of wishes from my relatives. The count of B'day wishes was maximum this year. Normally this fact of Nag panchami B'day was only known in my close family circle. That's why the wishes are restricted from this close circle. This time somehow it went further than my close family.

M prepared lots of stuff for this day. R and S had also come. We had a nice time all in all.

Personally I am more for my straight forward Birthday which falls on 14th August. This I consider my real B'day. That's official also. Looking forward to have a nice time on that day also.!!!! Selfish naaa....!!!!!

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